Wednesday 9 March 2016

Five steps to manage conflicts
Leadership and conflicts must go side by side. Conflicts are the normal part of organisation but the main challenge is that how to deal with them. Resolving conflicts efficiently is the hardest thing to do. ( 5 essential steps to solve conflicts)
1.       Stay calm- Even when you are stressed, don’t lose your temper so early. Let you mind focus on finding the right issue. You should keep calm as you know the resolution to this is your excellence. Have a strong believe in yourself.
2.       Maintain the high moral ground- you must grab a high moral ground. Morale and values never dissatisfy any person and it will not lead to any type of conflict. You should know at which position you are and try to find a solution for the conflict if it arises.
3.       Document meticulously- in the case of serious matters, you must need accurate records of it resolve the conflict efficiently. You must know what the reason of conflict is and when it arises and between whom it arises.
4.       Don’t think of winning-There is no point of winning the battle you must, you must aim your dedication towards resolving conflict.
5.       Get mediation – sometimes a person may not be able to find the way to manage the conflict. So the best way is to involve a third party (mediator). The mediator can be anyone your manager, HR manager, family member, old friend which can help us to find the solution anyway.
                 According to me these five steps can approximately help you to find a solution to you any type of conflict.


(n.d.). 5 essential steps to solve conflicts. Retrieved from

Pros and Cons of Conflict
The conflict words sound negative but it is not a bad thing at the organisation. So here comes the pros and cons of the conflicts at a workplace. (advantages and disadvantages of conflict).
Cons of conflicts- There are several disadvantages of conflicts. The one is that there may be potential loss at the workplace which leads to the loss of reputation of the business. Moreover in case of conflicts, it may not be easy for the workers to work under a stressful environment. It leads to the decrease in the level of the effectiveness. The worst thing about conflicts according to me is that it takes a lot of time and money to resolve the conflicts. Sometimes the supervisor gets feels boredom or lack of energy to resolve the conflicts. The last con is that there may be damage to the old relationships.
Pros of conflicts- Also there are many advantages to the conflicts. Conflicts are not always bad as they are the unavoidable part of the business. There is potential gain due to conflicts as disagreements can results into new ideas and it may add new points to the old policies, which may turn up the sales and profit of the business. Conflicts helps to increase the actual power of problem solving. It also increases the ‘Loyalty’ and ‘Commitment’ in the group. Provides motivation to the employees to work more- harder.
According to me, there are more advantages of conflicts rather than its disadvantages.There must be some conflicts in the workplace, but also they must be resolved by the supervisor or some another person for the better working of the business.


(n.d.). advantages and disadvantages of conflict. Retrieved from

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Conflict and its characteristics
Conflicts as I stated already is a dispute between individuals or instructors. The characteristics of conflicts are explained below:
1.       Conflict is a process- Basically conflicts takes place in different layers. Misunderstanding is always first layer of it and the other layers are differences of interest, viewpoint and cultures. It is also a procedure as it starts with opposing or bullying the other party and it ends up with the different management styles- competing, collaborating, compromising and avoiding.
2.       Conflict is a normal part of the life- Conflicts takes place as different individuals have their unlimited needs and requirements and due to scarcity of unlimited resources. Basically conflict is not an issue, but if we will not focus on the main point it will become an issue.
3.       Conflict is inevitable- it is inevitable that conflicts exists everywhere. Not each and every persons have same thinking. Although inevitable, conflict can be minimized, diverted and/or resolved. Conflict creates on the grounds that we are managing individuals' lives, employments,
youngsters, pride, self-idea, conscience and feeling of mission.
4.       Everyone is inflicted with conflicts- Conflicts might happen inside one people, between two or more people, different group or among different associations.
5.       Fueled by poor communications- Poor communications is the most important characteristics of can create uncertainty which leads to stress. Listening is the main error, if an employee fails to listen the instructions of the supervisor, it may results in conflicts.

Conflict indicators

·         Body language.
·         Ignoring each other.
·         Disagreements.
·         With holdings bad news.
·         Increasing lack of respect.
·         Lack of vision to achieve the goals.

·         To manage issue separately in different meetings.
According to my opinion, conflict has its own type of nature, without conflicts a person cannot learn how to deal with the ups and downs of the life. 


 (n.d.). charcateristics of conlict. Retrieved from

Monday 7 March 2016

Types of conflicts at a workplace

Before starting let us know why conflicts take place. Conflicts takes place because each and every individual has its own opinions and different sets of beliefs. Now in this post we are going to identify different types of conflicts that can arrive during the work.
Basically there are four types of conflicts: (types of conflict)
1.       Interpersonal conflict- It is a type of conflict between two individuals. This conflict occurs due to the mixed varieties of individual personalities. Each individual has its own taste and preferences, different vision, decision making, etc. when these conflicts extend too far, calling a middleman (mediator) will be a nice decision to resolve the conflict.
2.       Intrapersonal conflict- It is a conflict which occurs within the mind of the individual. It is basically related to the psychological like thoughts, principles and values. These decisions can affect the important as well as unimportant decisions. After getting out of this conflict, an individual may feel free off stress.
3.       Intragroup conflict- It is a type of conflict which occurs between group members within a team. This arises from different prospective of the team members. Sometimes having conflicts between teams encourages efficiency and overall benefit of the team.
4.       Intergroup conflict- In this type of conflict, misunderstandings between different teams takes place. If we take an example, the quality control sector must get in conflict with the sales sector. Moreover Competition between them also must be a reason of the conflict.

So these are the different types of conflicts that an individual faces in an organisation. According to me, these conflicts can occur between individuals, between any team of individuals, or between different organisations.


(n.d.). types of conflict. Retrieved from

How to handle conflicts in teams

How to manage conflicts at a workplace

Conflicts are the part of our day to day life. Conflicts means any quarrels/disagreement between any parties involved when there is any threat to their concern and feelings. It’s important to know that there must also be conflicts in the organisation as they are productive and it improves efficiency. Let us talk about how to manage conflicts in organisation. In any organisation there may be conflicts between employers or supervisors. Here are the few styles that we can follow to handle conflicts

1.       Competing styles- In this style all the concerns and the opposition position are just ignored by the person. "It's not enough that “I win - you must lose." is the motto of this style.
2.       Compromising styles- This style can be successful when both sides are just as capable and willing to collaborate, and they need to protect the relationship for what's to come.
3.       Collaborating style- This style is a very good style to come up with all the knowledge and wisdom of all the people with different overview. The motto of this style is “Let’s find a solution that works for all of us”
4.       Accommodating style- The main focus in this style is that different collaborative aspects are used to handle conflicts at workplace. The motto of this style is “whatever”.
5.       Avoiding Style- the focus keep us on the track that not to listen to the unimportant talks of the different peoples. This style laid emphasis on the point that avoid everything and keep focus on your main goal. (handling conflicts)
                                                                                    According to my opinion these styles are the best for managing conflicts as they have their motto and they let us know how to deal with the basic situations of the conflict.


(n.d.). handling conflicts. Retrieved from