Monday 7 March 2016

Types of conflicts at a workplace

Before starting let us know why conflicts take place. Conflicts takes place because each and every individual has its own opinions and different sets of beliefs. Now in this post we are going to identify different types of conflicts that can arrive during the work.
Basically there are four types of conflicts: (types of conflict)
1.       Interpersonal conflict- It is a type of conflict between two individuals. This conflict occurs due to the mixed varieties of individual personalities. Each individual has its own taste and preferences, different vision, decision making, etc. when these conflicts extend too far, calling a middleman (mediator) will be a nice decision to resolve the conflict.
2.       Intrapersonal conflict- It is a conflict which occurs within the mind of the individual. It is basically related to the psychological like thoughts, principles and values. These decisions can affect the important as well as unimportant decisions. After getting out of this conflict, an individual may feel free off stress.
3.       Intragroup conflict- It is a type of conflict which occurs between group members within a team. This arises from different prospective of the team members. Sometimes having conflicts between teams encourages efficiency and overall benefit of the team.
4.       Intergroup conflict- In this type of conflict, misunderstandings between different teams takes place. If we take an example, the quality control sector must get in conflict with the sales sector. Moreover Competition between them also must be a reason of the conflict.

So these are the different types of conflicts that an individual faces in an organisation. According to me, these conflicts can occur between individuals, between any team of individuals, or between different organisations.


(n.d.). types of conflict. Retrieved from

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